Gimondi van Eeckelghem Z

Informations sur le haras

  • Types de sperme: Frais, Congelé
  • Informations sur les frais de monte: €800 Live Foal Guarantee - Pay € 250 at the first insemination. Remaining amount in October 2023, unless the owner can provide a statement from the vet that the mare is not pregnant.


Gemini CL xx
Good Twist xx
New Twist xx
Ianthe xx
Coldly Noble xx
Noble Jay xx
Eskimo Princess xx
Green Diamond van Eeckelghem
Diamant de Semilly
Le tot de Semilly
Venise des Cresles
Paprika van 't Steenputje
Feinschnitt van de Richter
Souka xx

